Digitizing describes the process of creating a high-resolution and color accurate digital file of your original painting. Making it easy for you to share your work online and create high quality art reproductions to sell. All of our work is done in-house by skilled artists who appreciate the craft and will work with you to achieve your vision. We are artists for artists.
how it works
Clients bring in their paintings to our studio where they are photographed on the first Monday of the month. Thereafter we do extensive work color correcting your file. The entire process from art drop off to finished product is 3 to 4 weeks. Once work is complete we will contact you for pickup.
what's included
You will receive a 300dpi high-resolution color corrected file of your painting via email and 1 free 8x10 proof made on Epson matte paper. Additional proofs are available upon request. Each additional proof is $10 each plus tax.
All artwork is photographed on the first Monday of the month and will be finished for the client in 3 to 4 weeks. We accept artwork all throughout the month but we will only begin work on the first Monday of the following month where all artwork is photographed. The best times to bring in artwork would be on the last week of the month so that we can begin work the following week. Quicker turn around is available upon request. Additional fees apply for all rush work.
Here are some of the most common sizes for paintings. Please note that these prices do not include tax and card transaction fee.